Exploring Your Cosmic Canvas


Exploring Your Cosmic Canvas

A 12-month journey to tune into the astrological seasons as we discover the magic in our make-up. 

Using astrology to love yourself (and others) more, get unstuck, find the courage to live your most aligned life, and unleash your personal power. 

Take a deep dive into the magic & alchemy of your own astrology! Starting next month, on Sept 11, I will be hosting experiential astrology workshops on the second Wednesday of each month for 12 months.

Your cosmic canvas is a powerful way to meet the challenges of our times & our lives with greater awareness, empowering agency, and a truer understanding of who YOU are called to be and how to work within the cosmic currents at play!

No prior experience with astrology is required, but an interest in engaging with the material and learning in a group setting is essential. The workshops will be offered live on Zoom from 7:00-9:00 pm ET/4:00-6:00 pm PT, and recorded for those who cannot attend live.

The cost of the course if $44 a month for 12 months, or $444 if you pay upfront for all 12 sessions (a savings of $84). There are two full scholarships available, as well, for those with a lot of interest and passion and without the financial resources.

Message me for more info or to enroll!


Course Overview:

Virgo Season,  Workshop 1 – Sept 11

Learning the Language 

Virgo season brings devotion, daily habits, and critical thinking to the fore. It’s the perfect time to begin our year-long exploration!

In this session, we will deconstruct what you THINK astrology is and open ourselves to a deeper awareness of why this ancient practice is still oh-so-valuable and relative today. We will explore the planetary and zodiacal glyphs, and begin to let these symbols impact our subconscious, inviting buried truths to light.

Libra Season, Workshop 2 – Oct 9

Luminary Love Fest 

Libra season, beginning at equinox, invites balance, relational awareness, and L-O-V-E.

This month we will explore the two great luminaries in our charts – The Sun & Moon. How do you honor these solar and lunar energies in your life? How are we impacted by the yearly solar cycle and the monthly lunar one? We will explore how the Moon & Sun reflect our inner Yin & Yang, and how to shift the balance as needed.

Scorpio Season, Workshop 3 – Nov 13

Power Play: Pluto & Mars

Scorpio rules over sex, death, the occult, and alchemy. The modern ruler is Pluto, the ancient ruler is Mars. Both of these planets have strong ties to how we experience and express our power. We will explore how these planets show up in your chart & in your life, and get curious about ways we can alchemize our power. ***Content Warning: This session will discuss SA & abuse. Feel free to sit it out or watch the recording with a loved one, therapist, or just skip it entirely if that feels best. Need more info? Message me!

Sagittarius Season, Workshop 4 – Dec 11

Adventurous Expansion: Jupiter

Jupiter rules Sag, with themes of expansion, excess, and going beyond what is known. Jupiter invites us out of our comfort zone. This largest planet in our solar system overrides fear with curiosity and the pure love of new experiences. In this session we will discover how we activate Jupiter’s blessings in our chart & our lives.

Capricorn Season, Workshop 5 – Jan 8

Rules & Responsibilities: Saturn

Saturn rules Capricorn, and shows up in our lives to help us build a solid foundation & set the boundaries required to shoulder the responsibilities of life and navigate our karmic “complexes.” It’s not often a fun planet to work with, but Saturn has its gifts and helps us wield the weight of our hard-earned wisdom. In this session, we will uncover the secrets Saturn is keeping that support our worldly success.

Aquarius Season, Workshop 6 – Feb 12

Reawakening the Revolutionary: Uranus

Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, far-out planet of the avantgarde, genius/freak, queer-to-the-core, humanitarian rebel. Uranus disrupts to liberate and lets love take innovative new forms. In this session, we will find our inner Freak Flag and proudly raise it high, gaining a better sense of where and how we are called to break the mold, revolutionize our world,  and help us all move into the Aquarian Age.

Pisces Season, Workshop 7 – Mar 12

Dreams & Delusions: Neptune

Neptune’s ethereal & oceanic currents rule Pisces and the realm of Spirit. The higher octave of Venus, Neptune invites us into a spiritual experience of love, opening our psychic channels – but can also drown us in delusions, forever chasing that elusive high. In this session we investigate how Neptune shows up in our lives, and how we can work this energy in a grounded, discerning way.

Aries Season, Workshop 8 – Apr 9

Initiate the Rising: The Ascendant 

Aries season brings the dawning of the astrological new year. A Cardinal Fire sign, Aries initiates in a bold and hard-to-control way. Similarly, our ascendant marks our sense of self – our drive for recognition and how we assert our identity in the world. There’s a yang-fueled restless action-oriented part of us that hasn’t yet been tamed by the ways of the world. In this session, we explore our Rising Sign and how it colors our personality, temperament, and individuation.

Taurus Season, Workshop 9 – May 14

Work of Heart:  Venus

In session 9, we delve into the sultry, sensual realm of Venus. Ruling both Taurus and Libra, Venus evokes our deepest longings and influences our values, resources, and relationships. In this session, we see where Venus seduces us, and how we seduce others – for better and for worse.  

Gemini Season, Workshop 10 – Jun 11

Mischievous Messenger: Mercury

Mercury, ruler of Gemini & Virgo, guides our inspiration, thinking, communication, & learning style. 

In this session, we explore our mental sphere – the ways our mind plays tricks on us, the strengths & weaknesses in how we exchange info & ideas with others, and the power of curiosity to expand our awareness as we face the unknown.

Cancer Season, Workshop 11 – Jul 9

Where Goes the Flow? : The Lunar Nodes 

The North & South Nodes of the Moon – Cancer’s ruler – guide our direction in life (if we allow it). In this session, we will examine the possibilities presented by the Nodes, and get a clearer sense of our personal “True North” – whilst honoring the gifts coming through with our South Node, and bringing light to trappings of comfort that sometimes keep us stuck.

Leo Season, Workshop 12 – Aug 13

Celebrating Our Full-Spectrum Selves!

You’ll notice I saved the BEST season for last 😉 (says the Leo *wink wink*). The Sun rules this bright season, and brings illumination and creative heart-led expression into play. This session is a synthesis, integration, and joyous celebration of ALL you are, all you’ve learned and discovered, tried on and grown into over these past 12 months. It’s time to roar your (more nuanced, real-er) truth with courage, enthusiasm, and love. We will discuss how we apply these awarenesses to our lives and how to work better with the upcoming transits as we move into a brave new world of our collective making – for there is no true Aquarian Age without its polar partner and heart-ruler Leo, leading the way from within. 

Apply for Cosmic Canvas Here!
