To Thine Own Self Be True


This might just be my favourite offering yet.

For those who are SERIOUS about getting to know themselves and committed to living their deepest truths, this is a special 3-month journey through your personal astrology, your Human Design, and your Gene Keys to get a thorough understanding of WHO you are, WHY you are here, and HOW to honor your soul’s path through your human form.

We will meet twice a month one-on-one, either in-person or via Zoom (your choice).

Month 1: We have one 25-minute introductory to call to set intentions and discuss what YOU most want and need from our work together. Then we explore your natal astrology, and end the month with a 25-minute check in call to see how you’re integrating that information.

Month 2: We look at your Human Design bodygraph and I help you understand how to honor your unique design and where to make shifts in order to find greater ease and alignment. We have a 25-minute check-in call this month, as well.

Month 3: We dive into your Gene Keys, exploring your Life’s Work, what you are learning, what lights you up, and what your true purpose is here & now. We conclude with a 1 hour support session to integrate what you’ve discovered and identify next steps as you embody this awareness, guided by YOUR truth, your essence, and your joy. Woohoo!

This offering is for folks who are truly desiring deep, thorough self awareness, honest reflection, and a gently-loud push to BE all that you came here to be, in the most delicious way possible.

This is a 3-month program, at a rate of $175 per month ($525 in total).

Ready to dive in? Sign up here.

Please contact Leah if you have questions or need alternate arrangements.